
Crazyflie Assembly and Test

Before going further, follow this tutorial. It explains how to assemble a crazyflie and install the PC client for linux.

Swarm Setup

  1. Set crazyflie address. Each crazyflie of the swarm needs to have a unique address. The address format is


    where <X> is the crazyflie number in hexadecimal.


It’s highly recommended to label each CF with it’s number.

  1. Set crazyflie channel. Each crazyradio can handle communication with up to 15 crazyflies. If more crazyflies are in your swarm, you will need a different channel for each radio.
  2. If not already done, update each crazyflie firmware.

Positionning System

For now, only the LPS (with 8 anchors) was tested for positionning. Follow this guide to setup your system.

Test your setup by flying using bitcraze client.

Configuration Files

There are two configuration files:

  • swarm_conf.yaml
  • joy_conf.yaml

They are located at: ../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/formation_manager/conf


This file is used to configure parameters of all three ros packages. It’s where you can change the number of crazyflie in the swarm.

# ../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/formation_manager/conf/swarm_conf.yaml
    n_cf: 2 # Number of CF in the swarm
    take_off_height: 0.5
    gnd_height: 0.0
    min_dist: 0.40  # Absolute min distance between CFs
    min_goal_dist: 0.40 # Absolute min distance between CFs goals

    formation_min_dist: 0.6 # Min distance between agents in formation
    formation_start_pos: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0] # [x, y, z, yaw]

    # trajectory_solver parameters ...

# Starting positions. Used in simulation
    cf_0: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    cf_1: [0.0, 0.5, 0.0]
    cf_2: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    cf_3: [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]


File used to map your controller buttons. To learn how to setup a new a new controller, see this tutorial.


If you are using a ps4 controller (dualshock), you will need to download this driver.

# ../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/formation_manager/conf/swarm_conf.yaml
    # Map axes and joystick stick number
    axes: # Axes start at 0
        x: 1
        y: 0
        z: 5
        yaw: 2

    # Map button name and position
        '0': S # Square
        '1': X # Cross
        '2': O # Circle
        '3': T # Triangle

    # Map buttons on a joystick axis, i.e: d-pad
        '9': DL
        '-9' : DR
        '10' : DU
        '-10': DD

    # Max velocity of goal
        x: 0.20
        y: 0.20
        z: 0.10
        yaw: 0.20


  1. Turn on and place all your CFs in the flight alrea

  2. Launch ros server

    $ roslaunch swarm_manager launch_swarm.launch

    There are two options when launching server:

    • sim:=bool (default: True): To run in simulation
    • save:=bool (default: False): To save flight data when closing server
  3. In another terminal, execute python script

    $ cd ../crazyflie_charles/demos
    $ python

Data Analysis

A python script allow to analyse the data took. To run the script

$ cd ../crazyflie_charles/flight_data
$ python


It’s possible to specify a file name using -d flag. If no file name specified, latest data will be loaded.

Possible commands:

  • Rename data set
  • List all cf in recorded data
  • Plot flight path of a crazyflie
  • Plot trajectory error


Enter help to print all commands and their arguments.