ROS Topics

Description of the ros topics used.

Topic Msg type Description
/cfx/pose (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped) Pose of a CF
/cfx/state (std_msgs/String) State of a CF
/cfx/cmd_position (crazyflie_drive/Position) Position command
/cfx/cmd_hovering (crazyflie_driver/Hover) Hovering command
/cfx/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) Velocity of CF
/cfx/cmd_stop (std_msgs/Empty) Stop CF
/cfx/trajectory_goal (crazyflie_driver/Position) Trajectory goal of a CF
/cfx/formation_goal (crazyflie_driver/Position) Formation goal of a CF
/formation_goal (crazyflie_drive/Position) Goal of formation
/formation_pose (geometry_msgs/Pose) Position of formation
/formation_goal_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) Formation goal velocity
/joy_swarm_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist) Joystick swarm command




Current pose of CF



Current state of CF



Target position of CF



Position command



Hovering command



Velocity of CF



Stop CF




Position of the CF on the trajectory, at each time step



Goal of a single CF in the formation



Goal of formation



Position of the formation



Formation center goal variation



Swarm velocity, from joystick