Add New Method to API

In this tutorial, we will learn all the steps required to add a new method to the Python API. We are going to add a method that moves a single crazyflie in a small circle.


For this tutorial, it’s important that you have some knowledge of ROS. If not, I recommend you to follow these tutorials (begginner level) first.

To know which files to modify, it’s important to understand the package ROS architecture.

There are three main layers:

  • crazyflie_ros: ROS stack to control the crazyflies with the crazyradio
  • swarm_manger: Package to compute swarm positions and command
  • SwarmAPI: To send command to the swarm via a Python script

This architecture was used to simplify each package.

  1. Create a new service

    Commands are sent to swarm_manager using a ROS service.

    1.1 Create service

    Since SwarmAPI and swarm_controller node comminucate using ros services, we first need to create a new service.

    The new service, will allow to specify the name of the crazyflie and return an error if the name is invalid.

    Create a new file named CircleCf.srv in .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/swarm_manager/srv/

    string cf_name
    bool valid_cf

    1.2 Add service to CMakeList

    ## Generate services in the 'srv' folder

    1.3 Build catkin workspace

    $ cd .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws
    $ catkin_make
  2. Write method in swarm_manager package

    2.1 Write _circle_cf_srv method

    # .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/swarm_manager/
    from math import sin, cos, pi
    from swarm_manager.srv import CircleCf
    class SwarmController(object):
        def _circle_cf_srv(self, srv_req):
            cf_id = srv_req.cf_name
            valid_cf = True
            if cf_id in self._crazyflies:
                # Traj parameters
                circle_radius = 0.5 # [m]
                circle_time = 5 # [sec]
                n_points = int(circle_time/0.1)  # 0.1 is publish rate
                start_pose = self._crazyflies[cf_id].pose.pose.position
                circle_center = [start_pose.x - circle_radius, start_pose.y, start_pose.z]
                for i in range(n_points + 1):
                    cur_angle = i*(2*pi)/n_points
                    self._crazyflies[cf_id].goals["goal"].x = circle_center[0] +\
                    self._crazyflies[cf_id].goals["goal"].y = circle_center[1] +\
                valid_cf = False
            return {'valid_cf': valid_cf}

    2.2 Add new service to swarm_controller node

    # .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/swarm_manager/``
    class SwarmController(object):
        def _init_services(self):
            # Services
            rospy.Service('/circle_cf', CircleCf, self._circle_cf_srv)
  3. Add method to API

    3.1 Subscribe to new service

    # .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/swarm_manager/swarm_api/``
    from swarm_manager.srv import CircleCf
    class SwarmAPI(object):
        def _init_services(self):
            # Subscribe to srvs
            rospy.loginfo("API: waiting for services")
            self._link_service('circle_cf', CircleCf)

    3.2 Write method

    # .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/swarm_manager/swarm_api/``
    class SwarmAPI(object):
        def circle_cf(self, cf_id):
            """Circle specified crazyflie around a 0.5m radius
                This method only works in 'Automatic' mode
                cf_id (str): Id of crazyflie
            if self.current_mode != "automatic":
                rospy.logerr("Swarm needs to be in automatic mode")
                srv_res = self._services["circle_cf"](cf_name=str(cf_id))
                valid_cf = srv_res.valid_cf
            if not valid_cf:
                rospy.logerr("%s is an invalid crazyflie name" % cf_id)

    3.3 Add method to documentation

    .. .../crazyflie_charles/docs/python_api.rst
    .. autosummary::
  4. Test new method

    swarm = SwarmAPI()