Add New Formation

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a new formation.

We are going to add a formation shaped like a sinus.

  1. Define formation


    Sinus formation

    • Formation center: I choose the formation center to be at the middle of the the formation X axis
    • Scale: Scale will be the length of the formation
    • Agents repartition: Agents will be equally distant on the X axis. Y position will be \(A*sin(\omega*x)\).
  2. Create new formation file

    File path: .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/formation_manager/scripts/

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    """Sinus formation
    from math import sin, cos, pi
    import rospy
    from crazyflie_driver.msg import Position
    from general_formation import FormationClass, compute_info_from_center
    class SinFormation(FormationClass):
        """Sinus formation
            scale: Total lenght of period
        def __init__(self, min_dist):
            super(SinFormation, self).__init__(min_dist)
            # TODO: Add formation specific attributes
        # Setter
        def set_n_agents(self, n_agents):
            # TODO: Verify number of agents is valid
        # Computing
        def compute_min_scale(self):
            # TODO: Compute min scale where min distance between agents is R_MIN
        def compute_formation_positions(self):
            for i in range(self._n_agents):
                if rospy.is_shutdown():
                # Initialize agent formation goal
                self._agents_goals[i] = Position()
                # Compute formation position
                # TODO: Compute agent position from center
                # Compute information from center
                center_dist, theta, center_height = compute_info_from_center([x_dist, y_dist, z_dist])
                self._center_dist[i] = center_dist
                self._angle[i] = theta
                self._center_height[i] = center_height
            return self._agents_goals
        def update_formation_scale(self):
            #TODO: Update formation scale
  3. Init method

    Two atributes will be required: x_agents_dist and frequency, to vary formation length based on scale.

    Another attribute will be added to easily change the sinus amplitude.

    def __init__(self, min_dist):
        super(SinFormation, self).__init__(min_dist)
        self.agents_x_dist = 0 # [m]
        self.frequency = 0 # [rad]
        self.amplitude = 1 # [m]
  4. Verify number of agents

    Before setting a new number of agents, it’s important to make sure the number is valid. For instance, only perfect square numbers are valid for the square formation.

    However, all numbers are valid for the sinus formation.

    def set_n_agents(self, n_agents):
        # All numbers are valid
        if n_agents > 0:
            self._n_agents = n_agents
            self._n_agents_landed = 0
            rospy.loginfo("Formation: Unsuported number of agents, landing %i agents"\
                % self._n_agents_landed)
        rospy.loginfo("Formation: %i agents in formation" % self._n_agents)
  5. Compute formation attributes based on scale

    First let’s compute the distance between agents

    self.agents_x_dist = self._scale / (self._n_agents - 1) if self._n_agents > 1 else 0

    And then the formation frequency

    self.frequency = (2*pi)/self._scale if self._scale > 0 else 0
    def update_formation_scale(self):
        self.agents_x_dist = self._scale / (self._n_agents - 1) if self._n_agents > 1 else 0
        self.frequency = (2*pi)/self._scale if self._scale > 0 else 0
  6. Find minimum scale

    The minimum scale is defined as the scale where the minimal distance between two agents is R_MIN. For this formation, to simplify calculations, we will consider as if the formation was a simple line.

    Hence, the min_scale is when the distance between agents is equal to R_MIN ( or _min_dist)

    def compute_min_scale(self):
        if self._n_agents > 1:
            self._min_scale = self._min_dist*(self._n_agents - 1)
            self._min_scale = 0.0
  7. Compute agents position from center

    We have to compute each agent position in x, y, and z from formation center.

    • X position

      x_dist = self.agents_x_dist*i - center_offset


    center_offset = self._scale/2 is substracted from X position since the first agent is not at the center.

    • Y positions

      y_dist = self.amplitude*sin(self.frequency*x_dist)
    • Z positions

      z_dist = 0

    Completed function

    def compute_formation_positions(self):
        center_offset = self._scale/2 # New line
        for i in range(self._n_agents):
            if rospy.is_shutdown():
            # Initialize agent formation goal
            self._agents_goals[i] = Position()
            # Compute formation position
            x_dist = self.agents_x_dist*i - center_offset # New line
            y_dist = self.amplitude*sin(self.frequency*x_dist) # New line
            z_dist = 0 # New line
            # Compute information from center
            center_dist, theta, center_height = compute_info_from_center([x_dist, y_dist, z_dist])
            self._center_dist[i] = center_dist
            self._angle[i] = theta
            self._center_height[i] = center_height
        return self._agents_goals
  8. Add formation to formation_manager_ros

    # .../crazyflie_charles/ros_ws/src/formation_manager/scripts/``
    from sin_formation import SinFormation # New line
    class FormationManager(object):
        def __init__(self, cf_list, min_dist, start_goal):
            #: All possible formations
            self._formations = {"square": SquareFormation(self._min_dist),
                                "v": VFormation(self._min_dist),
                                "pyramid": PyramidFormation(self._min_dist),
                                "circle": CircleFormation(self._min_dist),
                                "line": LineFormation(self._min_dist),
                                "sin": SinFormation(self._min_dist),} # New line
  9. Test new formation

    swarm = SwarmAPI()


Completed sinus formation file can be found in .../crazyflie_charles/demos