Source code for agent

Agent Class

from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from numpy import array, dot, hstack, vstack
from numpy.linalg import norm, inv
from scipy.special import binom

[docs]class Agent(object): """Represents a single agent """ def __init__(self, agent_args, start_pos=None, goal=None): """Initialize agent class Args: start_pos (list of float, optional): Starting position [x, y, z]. Defaults to None. goal (list of float, optional): Target position [x, y, z]. Defaults to None. """ # Attributes self.start_position = None self.goal = None self.set_starting_position(start_pos) #: 3x1 np.array: Starting position self.set_goal(goal) #: 3x1 np.array: Goal self.r_min = agent_args['r_min'] self.collision_check_radius = self.r_min * agent_args['col_radius_ratio'] self.goal_dist_thres = agent_args['goal_dist_thres'] self.goal_speed_thres = agent_args['goal_speed_thres'] self.at_goal = False self.agent_idx = 0 #: Index of agent in positions self.n_steps = 0 #: int: Number of steps in horizon # For testing self.acc_cst = array([[0.5, 0.5, 0]]).T #: np.array of (6*k)x(Kmax): Position and speed trajectory at each time step. # Columns: predicted [p, v], Rows: Each k self.states = None self.final_traj = None #: Agent final trajectory self.prev_input = [0, 0, 0] self.scaling_matrix = np.diag([1, 1, 2]) self.scaling_matrix_inv = inv(self.scaling_matrix) #: (dict of int: float): Distance of each agent within a certain radius self.close_agents = {} self.collision_step = 0 #: Step of prediction where collision happens self.all_agents_traj = None # Setter
[docs] def set_starting_position(self, position): """Set starting position Args: position (list of float): [x, y, z] """ if position is not None: self.start_position = array(position).reshape(3, 1) else: self.start_position = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape(3, 1)
[docs] def set_goal(self, goal): """Set agent goal Args: goal (list of float): [x, y, z] """ if goal is not None: self.goal = array(goal).reshape(3, 1) else: self.goal = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape(3, 1)
[docs] def set_all_traj(self, all_trajectories): """Set last predicted trajectories of all agents Args: all_trajectories (6*k x n_agents array) """ self.all_agents_traj = all_trajectories
[docs] def add_state(self, new_state): """Add new state to list of positions Args: new_state (array): Trajectory at time step """ self.states = hstack((self.states, new_state))
# Initialization
[docs] def initialize_position(self, n_steps, all_agents_traj): """Initialize position of the agent. Sets first horizon as a straight line to goal at a cst speed Args: n_steps (int): Number of time steps of horizon all_agents_traj (3k x n_agents array): Last predicted traj of each agent (ptr) """ self.n_steps = n_steps self.all_agents_traj = all_agents_traj.view() self.at_goal = False speed = 0.1 # Compute speeds dist = norm(self.goal - self.start_position) dist_z = norm(self.goal[2, 0] - self.start_position[2, 0]) speed_z = dist_z * speed / dist if dist != 0 else 0 d_speed = speed**2 - speed_z**2 speed_xy = np.sqrt(d_speed) if d_speed > 0 else 0 dist_x = norm(self.goal[0, 0] - self.start_position[0, 0]) dist_y = norm(self.goal[1, 0] - self.start_position[1, 0]) speed_x = speed_xy*dist_x/dist if dist != 0 else 0 speed_y = speed_xy*dist_y/dist if dist != 0 else 0 # Check signs if self.goal[0, 0] - self.start_position[0, 0] < 0: speed_x = -speed_x if self.goal[1, 0] - self.start_position[1, 0] < 0: speed_y = -speed_y if self.goal[2, 0] - self.start_position[2, 0] < 0: speed_z = -speed_z speed = array([[speed_x, speed_y, speed_z]]).reshape(3, 1) speed_position = vstack((speed, np.zeros((3, 1)))) # Compute positions start_pos = vstack((self.start_position, speed)) self.states = start_pos last_pos = start_pos for _ in range(1, self.n_steps): new_pos = last_pos + speed_position self.states = vstack((self.states, new_pos)) last_pos = new_pos
# Compute methods
[docs] def check_goal(self): """Check if agent reached it's goal. Goal is considered reach when the agent is in a radius smaller than ``goal_dist_thres`` at a speed lower than ``goal_speed_thres``. Returns: bool: True if goal reached """ current_position = self.states[0:3, -1] current_speed = self.states[3:6, -1] goal = self.goal.reshape(3) dist = norm(goal - current_position) speed = norm(current_speed) if dist < self.goal_dist_thres and speed < self.goal_speed_thres: self.at_goal = True return self.at_goal
[docs] def check_collisions(self): """Check current predicted trajectory for collisions. 1 - For all predicted trajectory, check distance of all the other agents 2 - If distance < Rmin: In collision 3 - If collision: Find all close agents Returns: (int): Step of collision (-1 if no collision) (dict of float): Close agents and their distance at collision step """ collision_detected = False n_agents = self.all_agents_traj.shape[1] close_agents = {} collision_step = -1 agents_dist = {} # Find time step of collision for each_step in range(self.n_steps): # Predicted position of agent at time_step rows = slice(3*each_step, 3*(each_step+1)) predicted_pos = self.all_agents_traj[rows, self.agent_idx] # At time step, check distance of other agents for j in range(n_agents): if j != self.agent_idx: # Position of the other agent at time step other_agent_pos = self.all_agents_traj[rows, j] # Faster than norm scaled = dot(self.scaling_matrix_inv, predicted_pos - other_agent_pos) dist = sqrt(scaled[0]**2 + scaled[1]**2 + scaled[2]**2) # dist = norm(scaled) agents_dist[j] = dist if dist < self.r_min and not collision_detected: # For step 0, check a smaller radius if each_step == 0 and dist > self.r_min - 0.05: break collision_step = each_step collision_detected = True # break if collision_detected: break # Find all close agents at collision if collision_detected: # At collision, check distance of other agents for j in range(n_agents): if j != self.agent_idx: dist = agents_dist[j] if dist < self.collision_check_radius: close_agents[j] = dist # Set agent distance at collision return collision_step, close_agents
[docs] def interpolate_traj(self, time_step_initial, time_step_interp): """Interpolate agent's trajectory using a Bezier curbe. Args: time_step_initial (float): Period between samples time_step_interp (float): Period between interpolation samples """ # 1 - Trajectory parameters n_sample = self.states.shape[1] - 1 n_sample_interp = int(n_sample*time_step_initial/time_step_interp) end_time = n_sample*time_step_initial traj_times = np.linspace(0, end_time, n_sample_interp, endpoint=False) # 2 - Build bezier curve if n_sample != 0: self.final_traj = np.zeros((3, n_sample_interp)) for i in range(n_sample + 1): point = self.states[0:3, i].reshape(3, 1) self.final_traj +=\ binom(n_sample, i) * (1 - (traj_times/end_time))**(n_sample - i) *\ (traj_times/end_time)**i * point else: self.final_traj = self.states[0:3, 0] self.final_traj = self.final_traj.reshape(3, 1)