Source code for swarm_api.api

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Python API to control the swarm.

This module maked it possible to easily send command to the swarm through a Python script.


   # Formation exemple
   swarm = SwarmAPI()

   # Link joystick buttons to commands
   swarm.link_joy_button("S", swarm.take_off)
   swarm.link_joy_button("O", swarm.emergency)
   swarm.link_joy_button("T", swarm.toggle_ctrl_mode)

   # Start swarm


   # Change formation

``SwarmAPI`` class
from math import pi
import ast
import rospy
from std_srvs.srv import Empty, SetBool
from swarm_manager.srv import JoyButton, SetGoals, GetPositions, SetMode
from formation_manager.srv import SetFormation
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist

from swarm_api.launch_file_api import launch_joystick

[docs]class SwarmAPI(object): """Python API class """ # Initialization def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("SwarmAPI", anonymous=False) self._rate = rospy.Rate(10) self._services = {} self._init_services() self._joy_type = None self._joy_buttons = None self._current_mode = "" self._joy_vel_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/joy_swarm_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self._joy_vel = Twist() def _init_services(self): # Start services rospy.Service('/joy_button', JoyButton, self._button_srv) # Subscribe to srvs rospy.loginfo("API: waiting for services") self._link_service('swarm_emergency', Empty) self._link_service('stop_swarm', Empty) self._link_service('take_off_swarm', Empty) self._link_service('land_swarm', Empty) self._link_service('set_mode', SetMode) self._link_service('go_to', SetGoals) self._link_service('get_positions', GetPositions) self._link_service('set_swarm_formation', SetFormation) self._link_service('next_swarm_formation', Empty) self._link_service('prev_swarm_formation', Empty) self._link_service('inc_swarm_scale', Empty) self._link_service('dec_swarm_scale', Empty) self._link_service('toggle_ctrl_mode', Empty) rospy.loginfo("API: services found") def _link_service(self, service_name, service_type): """Link service Args: service_name (str): Name of the serviec service_type (type): Type of the service """ rospy.wait_for_service('/%s' % service_name) self._services[service_name] = rospy.ServiceProxy('/%s' % service_name, service_type) # Joystick
[docs] def start_joystick(self, joy_type, joy_dev='js0'): """Initialize joystick node. See :doc:`here </getting_started/tutorials/controller_setup>` for a tutorial on how to add new joystick types. Possible types: * ds4 Args: joy_type (:obj:`str`): Controller type. joy_dev (:obj:`str`, Optional): Specify joystick port. Defaults to `js0` """ self._joy_type = joy_type joy_dev = "/dev/input/" + joy_dev print joy_dev launch_joystick(joy_type, joy_dev) self._joy_buttons = {} # Add buttons for _, button in rospy.get_param(joy_type)["buttons"].items(): self._joy_buttons[button] = [None, None, None] # Add buttons on a axis for _, button in rospy.get_param(joy_type)["buttons_axes"].items(): self._joy_buttons[button] = [None, None, None] # Link service self._link_service('set_joy_control', SetBool)
[docs] def set_joy_control(self, to_control): """To enable/disable control of formation position with joystick axes. Args: to_control (bool): If True, formation will be moved by joystick axes """ self._services["set_joy_control"](data=to_control)
def _button_srv(self, srv_req): print "Button pressed: %s" % srv_req.button func = self._joy_buttons[srv_req.button][0] args = self._joy_buttons[srv_req.button][1] kwargs = self._joy_buttons[srv_req.button][2] if func is not None: func(*args, **kwargs) return {} # Methods
[docs] def take_off(self): """ Take off all landed CFs. Modify ``take_off_height`` in ``swarm_conf.yaml`` to change take off height .. note:: Will only take off landed CFs """ self._services["take_off_swarm"]()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop all CFs """ self._services["stop_swarm"]()
[docs] def emergency(self): """Call emergency srv of all CFs """ self._services["swarm_emergency"]()
[docs] def land(self): """Land all CFs at their starting position. """ self._services["land_swarm"]()
[docs] def set_mode(self, new_mode): """Set ``SwarmController`` control mode. Possible modes are: - Automatic: CF will plot trajectory to new goals. Send ``go_to commands`` from python script - Formation: Swarm moves in formation. Formation position can be moved /w joystick. Not implemented: - Pilot: Like CF client. No formation - Assisted: Control change of position /w joystick. No formation. .. note:: Modes are not case sensitive Args: new_mode (:obj:`str`): New control mode """ res = self._services["set_mode"](new_mode) if not res.success: rospy.logerr("%s is not an avaible mode" % new_mode) else: rospy.loginfo("Mode set to: %s" % new_mode.lower()) self._current_mode = new_mode.lower()
[docs] def set_formation(self, formation_name): """Set swarn formation Args: formation_name (:obj:`str`): New formation name """ self._services["set_swarm_formation"](formation=formation_name)
[docs] def next_formation(self): """Go to next swarm formation """ self._services["next_swarm_formation"]()
[docs] def prev_formation(self): """Go to prev swarm formation """ self._services["prev_swarm_formation"]()
[docs] def inc_scale(self): """Increase formation scale by 0.5 """ self._services["inc_swarm_scale"]()
[docs] def dec_scale(self): """Decrease formation scale by 0.5 """ self._services["dec_swarm_scale"]()
[docs] def toggle_ctrl_mode(self): """Toggle control mode between absolute and relative. In absolute: x, y, z are world axis In relative: x, y, z depends on swarm orientation """ self._services["toggle_ctrl_mode"]()
[docs] def go_to(self, goals): """Move formation and/or cf to a position using the trajectory planner. Dict format: ``"goal_name": [x, y, z, yaw]`` where ``"goal_name"`` is either ``"formation"`` or ``"cf_x"`` X, Y, Z in meters, Yaw in rad. Example:: # To move formation to [2, 2, 0.5, 1.57] swarm.go_to({'formation': [2, 2, 0.5, 1.57]}) # To move cf_0 to [0, 0, 0.5] and cf_1 to [1, 1, 1] goals = {} goals["cf_0"] = [0, 0, 0.5, 0] goals["cf_1"] = [1, 1, 1, 0] swarm.go_to(goals) Args: goals (:obj:`dict`): New goals """ self._services["go_to"](goals=str(goals))
[docs] def get_positions(self, cf_list=None): """Get current position of crazyflies If ``cf_list`` is ``None``, will return position of all Cfs. Args: cf_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of cf to read positions. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Positions of CFs read. ``"{cf_id": [x, y, z, yaw], ...}`` """ if cf_list is None: cf_list = [] positions = self._services["get_positions"](cf_list=str(cf_list)).positions return ast.literal_eval(positions)
[docs] def rotate_formation(self, angle, duration): """Rotate formation around it's center .. note:: Formation control with joystick must be False to use this function ``swarm.set_joy_control(False)`` Args: angle (float): Angle to turn [deg] duration (float): Rotation duration [sec] """ # Convert angle to angular speed. At each publish, turns ``speed`` in rad speed_rad = angle/duration*pi/180 #: [rad/sec] delta_angle = speed_rad/10 #: [rad par 100ms] self._joy_vel.angular.z = delta_angle start_time = rotate_dur = rospy.Duration(duration) while - start_time < rotate_dur and not rospy.is_shutdown(): self._joy_vel_publisher.publish(self._joy_vel) self._rate.sleep() self._joy_vel.angular.z = 0 self._joy_vel_publisher.publish(self._joy_vel) self._rate.sleep()