Source code for swarm_controller

#!/usr/bin/env python

Module to move the swarm and use ``TrajectoryPlanner`` and ``FormationManager`` packages.

``SwarmController`` class

import ast
import Queue
import rospy
import numpy as np
from numpy import dot
from numpy.linalg import norm, inv

from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, PoseStamped
from std_msgs.msg import String
from crazyflie_driver.msg import Position

from std_srvs.srv import Empty, SetBool
from swarm_manager.srv import SetParam, SetGoals, GetPositions, SetMode
from formation_manager.srv import SetFormation, GetFormationList
from trajectory_planner.srv import SetPositions

from swarm_api.launch_file_api import launch_swarm
from state_machine import StateMachine
from crazyflie import yaw_from_quat

[docs]class SwarmController(object): """Main class """ def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Swarm: Initialization...") self._crazyflies = {} #: Dict of :py:class:`CrazyfliePy` self._cf_list = rospy.get_param("cf_list") #: List of str: List of all cf names in the swarm self._rate = rospy.Rate(10) #: Rate: Rate to publish messages # Initialize each Crazyflie for each_cf in self._cf_list: self._crazyflies[each_cf] = CrazyfliePy(each_cf) self._init_params() self._stabilize_position() # Init services self.formation_services = {} self.formation_services = {"set_formation": None, "get_list": None, "inc_scale": None, "dec_scale": None} self.traj_services = {} self.traj_services = {"set_planner_positions": None, "plan_trajectories": None, "pub_trajectories": None,} self.start_rec_service = None self._init_services() # Subscriber self._formation_goal_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/formation_goal_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self._formation_goal_vel = Twist() self._joy_swarm_vel = Twist() #: Twist: Velocity received from joystick rospy.Subscriber("/joy_swarm_vel", Twist, self._joy_swarm_vel_handler) # Initialize formation self.formation = "line" self._formation_list = self.formation_services["get_list"]().formations.split(',') self._extra_cf_list = [] #: list of str: ID of extra CF self._landed_cf_ids = [] #: list of str: Swarm Id of landed CFs # Initialize state machine _state_list = {"landed": self._landed_state, "follow_traj": self._follow_traj_state, "in_formation": self._in_formation_state, "hover": self._hover_state, "landing": self._landing_state,} self._state_machine = StateMachine(_state_list) self._state_machine.set_state("landed") # Other self.ctrl_mode = "automatic" self._traj_found = False self._traj_successfull = False self._after_traj_state = "" # State to go once the trajectory is completed self.start_rec_service() rospy.loginfo("Swarm: Ready to start") def _init_services(self): # Services rospy.Service('/swarm_emergency', Empty, self._swarm_emergency_srv) rospy.Service('/stop_swarm', Empty, self._stop_swarm_srv) rospy.Service('/take_off_swarm', Empty, self._take_off_swarm_srv) rospy.Service('/land_swarm', Empty, self._land_swarm_srv) rospy.Service('/set_mode', SetMode, self._set_mode_srv) rospy.Service('/go_to', SetGoals, self._go_to_srv) rospy.Service('/get_positions', GetPositions, self._get_positions_srv) rospy.Service('/set_swarm_formation', SetFormation, self._set_formation_srv) rospy.Service('/next_swarm_formation', Empty, self._next_swarm_formation_srv) rospy.Service('/prev_swarm_formation', Empty, self._prev_swarm_formation_srv) rospy.Service('/inc_swarm_scale', Empty, self._inc_swarm_scale_srv) rospy.Service('/dec_swarm_scale', Empty, self._dec_swarm_scale_srv) rospy.Service('/traj_found', SetBool, self._traj_found_srv) rospy.Service('/traj_done', Empty, self._traj_done_srv) # Trajectory done # Subscribe to services # Formation manager rospy.loginfo("Swarm: waiting for formation services") rospy.wait_for_service("/set_formation") rospy.wait_for_service("/get_formations_list") rospy.wait_for_service("/formation_inc_scale") rospy.wait_for_service("/formation_dec_scale") self.formation_services["set_formation"] = rospy.ServiceProxy("/set_formation", SetFormation) self.formation_services["get_list"] = rospy.ServiceProxy("/get_formations_list", GetFormationList) self.formation_services["inc_scale"] = rospy.ServiceProxy("/formation_inc_scale", Empty) self.formation_services["dec_scale"] = rospy.ServiceProxy("/formation_dec_scale", Empty) rospy.loginfo("Swarm: formation services found") # Trajectory planner rospy.loginfo("Swarm: waiting for trajectory planner services") self.traj_services["set_planner_positions"] = rospy.ServiceProxy("/set_planner_positions", SetPositions) self.traj_services["plan_trajectories"] = rospy.ServiceProxy("/plan_trajectories", Empty) self.traj_services["pub_trajectories"] = rospy.ServiceProxy("/pub_trajectories", Empty) rospy.loginfo("Swarm: trajectory planner services found") # Flight recorder rospy.loginfo("Swarm: waiting for recorder services") rospy.wait_for_service("/start_recorder") self.start_rec_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/start_recorder", Empty) rospy.loginfo("Swarm: recorder services found") def _init_params(self): self.update_swarm_param("commander/enHighLevel", 1) self.update_swarm_param("stabilizer/estimator", 2) # Use EKF self.update_swarm_param("stabilizer/controller", 1) # 1: High lvl, 2: Mellinger self.update_swarm_param("kalman/resetEstimation", 1) def _stabilize_position(self): """To wait until position of all CFs is stable. A CF position is considered stable when the variance of it's position in x, y and z is less than a threshold. The variance is calculated over the past 10 sec (10 data) """ rospy.loginfo("Swarm: Waiting for position to stabilize...") # rospy.sleep(1.0) threshold = 0.01 n_data = 50 positions = {} var_list = {} position_stable = False queue_full = False # Initialize position history for cf_id in self._crazyflies: queue_dict = {} queue_dict['x'] = Queue.Queue(n_data) queue_dict['y'] = Queue.Queue(n_data) queue_dict['z'] = Queue.Queue(n_data) positions[cf_id] = queue_dict while not position_stable: for cf_id, cf_info in self._crazyflies.items(): cf_pose = cf_info.pose.pose if positions[cf_id]['x'].full(): queue_full = True positions[cf_id]['x'].get() positions[cf_id]['y'].get() positions[cf_id]['z'].get() positions[cf_id]['x'].put(cf_pose.position.x) positions[cf_id]['y'].put(cf_pose.position.y) positions[cf_id]['z'].put(cf_pose.position.z) if queue_full: all_vars = [np.var(positions[cf_id]['x'].queue), np.var(positions[cf_id]['y'].queue), np.var(positions[cf_id]['z'].queue)] var_list[cf_id] = max(all_vars) if queue_full: max_var = max([v for _, v in var_list.items()]) if max_var < threshold: position_stable = True self._rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Swarm: All CF position stable") # Methods
[docs] def control_swarm(self): """Main method, publish on topics depending of current state """ # Execute function depending on current state state_function = self._state_machine.run_state() state_function() if len(self._cf_list) > 1: self.check_collisions() # Publish goal of each CF self._pub_cf_goals() self._rate.sleep()
[docs] def update_swarm_param(self, param, value): """Update parameter of all swarm Args: param (str): Name of parameter value (int64): Parameter value """ rospy.loginfo("Swarm: Set %s param to %s" % (param, str(value))) self._call_all_cf_service("set_param", kwargs={'param': param, 'value': value})
[docs] def check_collisions(self): """To check that the minimal distance between each CF is okay. If actual distance between CF is too small, calls emergency service. """ position_dist = [] goal_dist = [] scaling_matrix_inv = inv(np.diag([1, 1, 2])) for cf_id, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): cf_position = each_cf.pose.pose cf_position = np.array([cf_position.position.x, cf_position.position.y, cf_position.position.z]) cf_goal = each_cf.goals["goal"] cf_goal = np.array([cf_goal.x, cf_goal.y, cf_goal.z]) for other_id, other_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): if other_id != cf_id: other_pos = other_cf.pose.pose other_pos = np.array([other_pos.position.x, other_pos.position.y, other_pos.position.z]) other_goal = other_cf.goals["goal"] other_goal = np.array([other_goal.x, other_goal.y, other_goal.z]) p_dist = norm(dot(scaling_matrix_inv, cf_position - other_pos)) g_dist = norm(dot(scaling_matrix_inv, cf_goal - other_goal)) position_dist.append(p_dist) goal_dist.append(g_dist) min_distances = [min(goal_dist), min(position_dist)] if min_distances[0] < MIN_GOAL_DIST: rospy.logwarn("Goals are too close") if min_distances[1] < MIN_CF_DIST: rospy.logerr("CF too close, emergency") self._swarm_emergency_srv(Empty())
[docs] def update_formation(self, formation_goal=None): """To change formation of the swarm. Formation center will be `formation_goal` if is specified. If not, it will be stay at the same place Args: formation_goal (list, optional): New formation goal: [x, y, z, yaw]. Defaults to None. """ # Change state to make sure CF don't 'teleport' to new formation self._state_machine.set_state("hover") rospy.sleep(0.1) # Set new formation self._send_formation(formation_goal) self.go_to_goal()
[docs] def go_to_goal(self, target_goals=None, land_swarm=False): """Controls swarm to move each CF to it's desired goal while avoiding collisions. If some CFs are in extra (in formation) will land them. Handles extra CF landing. Args: land_swarm (bool, optional): If true, land swarm to initial pos. Defaults to False. goals (dict, optional): To specify target goals. Used when not in formation mode. Defaults to None. """ rospy.loginfo("Swarm: Going to new goals") self._traj_found = False self._landed_cf_ids = [] rospy.sleep(0.1) # Update goal and send positions to planner self._update_cf_goal(land_swarm) self._send_start_positions() self._send_goals(land_swarm=land_swarm, target_goals=target_goals) # Start solver self.traj_services["plan_trajectories"]() # Take off landed CF that are not in extra take_off_list = [cf for cf in self._landed_cf_ids if cf not in self._extra_cf_list] self._call_all_cf_service("take_off", cf_list=take_off_list) self._wait_for_take_off() self._wait_for_planner() # Follow traj if self._traj_successfull: self.traj_services["pub_trajectories"]() self._state_machine.set_state("follow_traj") # If traj. planner fails else: self._swarm_emergency_srv(None)
def _send_formation(self, formation_goal=None): """Send desired formation to formation manager. `formation_manager` package will compute the new `formation_goal` of each CF and return all CFs in extra. Args: formation_goal (list, optional): New formation goal: [x, y, z, yaw]. Defaults to None. """ start_positions = {} for cf_id, cf_vals in self._crazyflies.items(): cf_pose = cf_vals.pose.pose start_positions[cf_id] = [cf_pose.position.x, cf_pose.position.y, cf_pose.position.z] srv_res = self.formation_services["set_formation"](formation=self.formation, positions=str(start_positions), goal=str(formation_goal)) self._extra_cf_list = srv_res.extra_cf.split(',') def _update_cf_goal(self, land_swarm=False): """Update goal and initial position of landed CFs Also find Id of landed CFs Notes: - If land_swarm: Set all goals 0.5m above initial pose - If landed and not in extra: Set goal 0.5m above initial pose and add to landed list - If landed and in extra: Set goal to initial pose and add to landed list Args: land_swarm (bool): When True, land all CFs in swarm """ self._landed_cf_ids = [] for cf_id, cf_vals in self._crazyflies.items(): if land_swarm: cf_initial_pose = cf_vals.initial_pose cf_vals.goals['goal'].x = cf_initial_pose.position.x cf_vals.goals['goal'].y = cf_initial_pose.position.y cf_vals.goals['goal'].z = cf_initial_pose.position.z + TAKE_OFF_HEIGHT # If CF is landed and not in extra elif cf_vals.state in ["stop", "landed", "land"] and cf_id not in self._extra_cf_list: self._landed_cf_ids.append(cf_id) cf_pose = cf_vals.pose.pose if cf_vals.initial_pose is None: cf_vals.update_initial_pose() cf_vals.goals["goal"].x = cf_pose.position.x cf_vals.goals["goal"].y = cf_pose.position.y cf_vals.goals["goal"].z = GND_HEIGHT + TAKE_OFF_HEIGHT # If CF is landed and in extra elif cf_vals.state in ["stop", "landed", "land"] and cf_id in self._extra_cf_list: self._landed_cf_ids.append(cf_id) cf_pose = cf_vals.pose.pose if cf_vals.initial_pose is None: cf_vals.update_initial_pose() cf_vals.goals["goal"].x = cf_pose.position.x cf_vals.goals["goal"].y = cf_pose.position.y cf_vals.goals["goal"].z = cf_pose.position.z def _send_start_positions(self): """Send start positions to trajectory planner Notes: - Doesn't send positon of extra CF if it's landed """ # Send each CF starting position to planner start_positions = {} for cf_id, cf_vals in self._crazyflies.items(): cf_pose = cf_vals.pose.pose # If landed, starting position is 0.5m above if cf_id in self._landed_cf_ids and cf_id not in self._extra_cf_list: start_positions[cf_id] = [cf_pose.position.x, cf_pose.position.y, cf_pose.position.z + TAKE_OFF_HEIGHT, yaw_from_quat(cf_pose.orientation)] else: start_positions[cf_id] = [cf_pose.position.x, cf_pose.position.y, cf_pose.position.z, yaw_from_quat(cf_pose.orientation)] self.traj_services["set_planner_positions"](position_type="start_position", positions=str(start_positions)) def _send_goals(self, land_swarm=False, target_goals=None): """Send goal of each CF to trajectory planner Notes: - If CF is in extra, goal is above initial position - If CF is in extra and landed, no goal is sent Args: land_swarm (bool, optional): If True, land all CF in the swarm. Defaults to False. target_goals (dict, optional): To specify each_cf goal. Defaults to None. """ goals = {} for cf_id, cf_vals in self._crazyflies.items(): # Land all CFs in air if land_swarm and cf_id not in self._landed_cf_ids: cf_initial_pose = cf_vals.initial_pose goals[cf_id] = [cf_initial_pose.position.x, cf_initial_pose.position.y, GND_HEIGHT + TAKE_OFF_HEIGHT, yaw_from_quat(cf_initial_pose.orientation)] # Goal of CF in formation elif cf_id not in self._extra_cf_list: # If CF in formation target_pose = None if target_goals is None or cf_id not in target_goals.keys(): target_pose = cf_vals.goals["formation"] else: target_pose = target_goals[cf_id] goals[cf_id] = [target_pose.x, target_pose.y, target_pose.z, target_pose.yaw] # If CF in extra and not landed, go to initial position elif cf_id not in self._landed_cf_ids: cf_initial_pose = cf_vals.initial_pose goals[cf_id] = [cf_initial_pose.position.x, cf_initial_pose.position.y, GND_HEIGHT + TAKE_OFF_HEIGHT, yaw_from_quat(cf_initial_pose.orientation),] self.traj_services["set_planner_positions"](position_type="goal", positions=str(goals)) def _wait_for_take_off(self): """Wait that all CF of formation are in hover state """ all_cf_in_air = False #: bool: True if all CFs are done taking off while not all_cf_in_air: all_cf_in_air = True if rospy.is_shutdown(): break for cf_id, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): if each_cf.state != "hover" and cf_id not in self._extra_cf_list: all_cf_in_air = False self._rate.sleep() def _wait_for_planner(self): """Wait until planner finds a trajectory """ rospy.sleep(0.1) # Make sure first traj messages are received while not self._traj_found: if rospy.is_shutdown(): break for _, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): each_cf.update_goal() self._rate.sleep() self._traj_found = False def _update_landing_cf_goal(self, land_swarm=False): """Set goal of CF to land to initial position Args: land_swarm (bool, optional): True if all swarm is to be landed. Default: False """ for cf_id, cf_vals in self._crazyflies.items(): # If land all swarm or (cf in extra and not landed) if land_swarm or\ (cf_vals.state not in ["landed", "land", "stop"] and\ cf_id in self._extra_cf_list): cf_initial_pose = cf_vals.initial_pose cf_vals.goals["goal"].x = cf_initial_pose.position.x cf_vals.goals["goal"].y = cf_initial_pose.position.y cf_vals.goals["goal"].z = GND_HEIGHT # cf_vals["goal_msg"].yaw = yaw_from_quat(cf_initial_pose.orientation) # States def _landed_state(self): """All CF are on the ground """ pass def _follow_traj_state(self): """All cf follow a specified trajectory """ # Set CF goal to trajectory goal for cf_id, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): traj_goal = each_cf.goals["trajectory"] # Make sure first msg was sent if traj_goal is not None: #If CF in extra and landed, don't follow goal if each_cf.state in ["landed", "land", "stop"] and cf_id in self._extra_cf_list: each_cf.update_goal() else: each_cf.update_goal("trajectory") def _in_formation_state(self): """Swarm is in a specific formation. Lands extra CFs Formation can be moved /w the joystick """ # Publish goal velocity self._formation_goal_vel = self._joy_swarm_vel self._pub_formation_goal_vel(self._formation_goal_vel) # Set CF goal to formation goal for cf_id, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): # If CF part of formation, set goal to formation_goal if cf_id not in self._extra_cf_list: each_cf.update_goal("formation") # IF CF is not landed elif each_cf.state not in ["landed", "land", "stop"]: self._update_landing_cf_goal() self._call_all_cf_service("land", cf_list=self._extra_cf_list) # If CF is already landed else: each_cf.update_goal() def _hover_state(self): """CFs hover in place """ # Set CF goal to current pose for _, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): each_cf.update_goal() def _landing_state(self): """Land CF to their starting position """ rospy.loginfo("Swarm: land") self._update_landing_cf_goal(True) self._call_all_cf_service("land") self._state_machine.set_state("landed") # Publisher and subscription def _joy_swarm_vel_handler(self, joy_swarm_vel): """Update swarm goal velocity Args: swarm_goal_vel (Twist): Swarm goal velocity """ self._joy_swarm_vel = joy_swarm_vel def _pub_formation_goal_vel(self, formation_goal_vel): """Publish swarm_goal speed Args: goal_spd (Twist): Speed variation of goal """ self._formation_goal_vel_pub.publish(formation_goal_vel) def _pub_cf_goals(self): """Publish goal of each CF """ for _, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): each_cf.publish_goal() # Services def _call_all_cf_service(self, service_name, args=None, kwargs=None, cf_list=None): """Call a service for all the CF in the swarm. If a list /w CF name is specified, will only call the srv for CF in the list. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service to call service_msg (srv_msg, optional): Message to send. Defaults to None. cf_list (list of str, optional): Only call service of CF in list. Defaults to None. """ for cf_id, each_cf in self._crazyflies.items(): if cf_list is None or cf_id in cf_list: each_cf.call_srv(service_name, args, kwargs) return {} def _swarm_emergency_srv(self, _): """Call emergency service """ rospy.logerr("Swarm: EMERGENCY") self._call_all_cf_service("emergency") return {} def _stop_swarm_srv(self, _): """Call stop service """ rospy.loginfo("Swarm: stop") self._call_all_cf_service("stop") return {} def _take_off_swarm_srv(self, _): """Take off all cf in swarm """ self._update_cf_goal() self._call_all_cf_service("take_off", cf_list=self._landed_cf_ids) self._wait_for_take_off() self._state_machine.set_state("hover") if self.ctrl_mode == "formation": self._after_traj_state = "in_formation" self.update_formation() return {} def _land_swarm_srv(self, _): """Land all cf in swarm """ # Bring swarm to initial pose self.go_to_goal(land_swarm=True) # Land self._after_traj_state = "landing" return {} def _set_mode_srv(self, mode_req): new_mode = mode_req.new_mode.lower() avalaible_mode = False if new_mode in ["formation", "automatic"]: self.ctrl_mode = new_mode avalaible_mode = True return {'success': avalaible_mode} def _go_to_srv(self, srv_req): goals = ast.literal_eval(srv_req.goals) target_goals = {} formation_goal = None # Make sure swarm is in hover or formation state if self._state_machine.in_state("in_formation") or self._state_machine.in_state("hover"): for goal_id, goal_val in goals.items(): if goal_id == "formation": # print "Formation goal: {}".format(goal_val) formation_goal = goal_val elif goal_id in self._cf_list: # print "{} goal: {}".format(goal_id, goal_val) new_goal = Position() new_goal.x = goal_val[0] new_goal.y = goal_val[1] new_goal.z = goal_val[2] new_goal.yaw = goal_val[3] target_goals[goal_id] = new_goal else: rospy.logerr("%s: Invalid goal name" % goal_id) if self.ctrl_mode == "automatic": self._after_traj_state = "hover" self.go_to_goal(target_goals=target_goals) elif self.ctrl_mode == "formation": self._after_traj_state = "in_formation" self.update_formation(formation_goal=formation_goal) else: rospy.logerr("Swarm not ready to move") return {} def _get_positions_srv(self, srv_req): cf_list = ast.literal_eval(srv_req.cf_list) # If not list is passed, send position of all CFs if not cf_list: cf_list = self._cf_list positions = {} for each_cf in cf_list: if each_cf in self._cf_list: pose = self._crazyflies[each_cf].pose.pose positions[each_cf] = [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z, yaw_from_quat(pose.orientation)] else: rospy.logerr("%s: Invalid crazyflie name" % each_cf) return {"positions":str(positions)} def _follow_traj_srv(self, _): """Follow a trajectory """ self._state_machine.set_state("follow_traj") return {} def _set_formation_srv(self, srv_req): new_formation = srv_req.formation if self._state_machine.in_state("in_formation"): if new_formation not in self._formation_list: rospy.logerr("%s: Invalid formation" % new_formation) else: self.formation = new_formation self.update_formation() else: self.formation = new_formation return {} def _next_swarm_formation_srv(self, _): """Change swarm formation to next the next one """ if self._state_machine.in_state("in_formation"): idx = self._formation_list.index(self.formation) next_idx = idx + 1 if idx == (len(self._formation_list) - 1): next_idx = 0 self.formation = self._formation_list[next_idx] self.update_formation() return {} def _prev_swarm_formation_srv(self, _): """Change swarm formation to the previous one """ if self._state_machine.in_state("in_formation"): idx = self._formation_list.index(self.formation) prev_idx = idx - 1 if prev_idx < 0: prev_idx = len(self._formation_list) - 1 self.formation = self._formation_list[prev_idx] self.update_formation() return {} def _inc_swarm_scale_srv(self, _): """Increase formation scale """ if self._state_machine.in_state("in_formation"): # Change state to make sure CF don't 'teleport' to new formation self._state_machine.set_state("hover") rospy.sleep(0.1) self.formation_services["inc_scale"]() self.go_to_goal() return {} def _dec_swarm_scale_srv(self, _): """Decrease formation scale """ if self._state_machine.in_state("in_formation"): # Change state to make sure CF don't 'teleport' to new formation self._state_machine.set_state("hover") rospy.sleep(0.1) self.formation_services["dec_scale"]() self.go_to_goal() return {} def _traj_found_srv(self, srv_req): """Called when trajectory solver is done. Args: (bool): True if a non colliding trajectory is found """ self._traj_found = True self._traj_successfull = if not self._traj_successfull: rospy.logerr("Swarm: No trajectory found") return {'success': True, "message": ""} def _traj_done_srv(self, _): """Called when trajectory has all been executed. Goes to formation? """ self._state_machine.set_state(self._after_traj_state) return {}
[docs]class CrazyfliePy(object): """ Link between the swarm manager and a crazyflie. Controls one robot. """ # Initialisation def __init__(self, cf_id): self.cf_id = cf_id # Subscribed services self._services = {"emergency": None, "take_off": None, "hover": None, "land": None, "stop": None, "toggle_teleop": None, "set_param": None} self.pose = None self.initial_pose = None self.goals = {"goal": Position(), "formation": Position(), "trajectory": Position()} self._goal_publisher = None self.state = "" self._init_cf() def _init_cf(self): """Initialize each CF Initialize services, publisher and subscriber """ # Subscribe to services rospy.loginfo("Swarm: waiting services of %s " % self.cf_id) self._link_service("take_off", Empty) self._link_service("land", Empty) self._link_service("hover", Empty) self._link_service("stop", Empty) self._link_service("emergency", Empty) self._link_service("set_param", SetParam) rospy.loginfo("Swarm: found services of %s " % self.cf_id) # CF pose rospy.Subscriber("/%s/pose" % self.cf_id, PoseStamped, self._pose_handler) # Wait to receive first position while self.pose is None: pass # CF goal self._goal_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/' + self.cf_id + '/goal', Position, queue_size=1) self.goals["goal"].x = self.pose.pose.position.x self.goals["goal"].y = self.pose.pose.position.y self.goals["goal"].z = self.pose.pose.position.z rospy.Subscriber("/%s/formation_goal" % self.cf_id, Position, self._goal_handler, 0) rospy.Subscriber("/%s/trajectory_goal" % self.cf_id, Position, self._goal_handler, 1) rospy.Subscriber("/%s/state" % self.cf_id, String, self._state_handler) def _link_service(self, service_name, service_type): """Link service Args: service_name (str): Name of the serviec service_type (_): Type of the service """ rospy.wait_for_service('/%s/%s' % (self.cf_id, service_name)) self._services[service_name] = rospy.ServiceProxy('/%s/%s' % (self.cf_id, service_name), service_type) # Topic Handlers def _pose_handler(self, pose_stamped): """Update current position of a cf Args: pose_stamped (PoseStamped): New pose of CF """ self.pose = pose_stamped def _goal_handler(self, goal, goal_type): """Update formation or trajectory goal of CF. Args: goal (Position): Goal goal_type (int): Goal type: 0 -> formation_goal, 1 -> trajectory_goal """ if goal_type == 0: self.goals["formation"] = goal elif goal_type == 1: self.goals["trajectory"] = goal else: rospy.logerr("Invalid goal type (%i) for CF" % goal_type) def _state_handler(self, state): self.state = # Publisher
[docs] def publish_goal(self): """Publish current CF goal """ self.goals["goal"].header.seq += 1 self.goals["goal"].header.stamp = self._goal_publisher.publish(self.goals["goal"])
[docs] def call_srv(self, srv_name, args=None, kwargs=None): """Call a CF service Args: srv_name (str): Name of srv to call args (list, optional): Service args. Defaults to None. kwargs (dict, optional): Service kwargs. Defaults to None. """ if args is None: args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} self._services[srv_name](*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_initial_pose(self): """Update initial position to current pose """ self.initial_pose = self.pose.pose
[docs] def update_goal(self, goal_name=""): """Update current goal to one of other CF goal (trajectory, formation or current goal) Notes: "" or "goal": Set to current goal "traj" or "trajectory": Set to goal to trajectory goal "formation: Set goal to formation goal Args: goal_name (str, optional): To specify goal to set. Defaults to "". """ new_goal = None if goal_name == "" or goal_name == "goal": new_goal = self.goals["goal"] elif goal_name == "traj" or goal_name == "trajectory": new_goal = self.goals["trajectory"] elif goal_name == "formation": new_goal = self.goals["formation"] self.goals["goal"] = new_goal
def generate_cf_list(n_cf): """Generate a list with the names of CFs Names are 'cf_id' i.e: cf_0, cf_1... Args: n_cf (int): Number of CF in the swarm Returns: list: List of CFs names """ return [('cf_' + str(i)) for i in range(n_cf)] if __name__ == '__main__': # Launch node rospy.init_node('swarm_controller', anonymous=False) # Get params CF_LIST = generate_cf_list(rospy.get_param("swarm")["n_cf"]) rospy.set_param("cf_list", CF_LIST) TAKE_OFF_HEIGHT = rospy.get_param("swarm")["take_off_height"] GND_HEIGHT = rospy.get_param("swarm")["gnd_height"] MIN_CF_DIST = rospy.get_param("swarm")["min_dist"] MIN_GOAL_DIST = rospy.get_param("swarm")["min_goal_dist"] # Launch all CFs nodes launch_swarm(CF_LIST) # Initialize swarm SWARM = SwarmController() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): SWARM.control_swarm() rospy.delete_param("cf_list") for cf_to_del in CF_LIST: rospy.delete_param(cf_to_del)