Source code for trajectory_planner_ros

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Package to compute collision free trajectories for each agent.

The algorithm [CIT3]_ used is based on Distributed Model Predictive Control.

1. Set start position and goals of each agent to compute trajectories\
(``/set_planner_positions`` srv)

2. Start trajectory solver (``/plan_trajectories`` srv)

3. Wait for trajectory solver to be done

4. Start trajectory publishing (``/pub_trajectories`` srv)

5. Wait for trajectory publishing to be done

ROS Features
Subscribed Topics

Published Topics
    Position of the CF on the trajectory, at each time step

    Set position (start or goal) of each crazyflie.
    See :py:meth:`TrajectoryPlanner.set_positions` for more information.

    Start solver to find a trajectory for each crazyflie.

    Call to start publishing all trajectories

Services Called
    Service called once a trajectory is found.

    `data` is True if valid trajectories are found.

    `data` is false otherwise (collision, no solution in constraints).

    Service called once the last step of the trajectory is reached.

~cf_list(str, default: ['cf1'])

`TrajectoryPlanner` Class

.. _std_srvs/Empty:
.. _std_srvs/SetBool:

import ast
import rospy

from std_srvs.srv import Empty, SetBool
from crazyflie_driver.msg import Position
from trajectory_planner.srv import SetPositions
from trajectory_solver import TrajectorySolver
from agent import Agent

[docs]class TrajectoryPlanner(object): """To plan trajectories of CFs """ def __init__(self, cf_list, solver_args): """ Args: cf_list (list of str): List of all CF in the swarm """ self.agents_dict = {} """dict of str: dict of str: Keys are the id of the CF. Items are a dict containing: ``Agent``, trajectory_publisher, start_yaw""" agents_args = {'r_min': solver_args['r_min'], 'col_radius_ratio': solver_args['col_radius_ratio'], 'goal_dist_thres': solver_args['goal_dist_thres'], 'goal_speed_thres': solver_args['goal_speed_thres']} for each_cf in cf_list: self.agents_dict[each_cf] = {} self.agents_dict[each_cf]['agent'] = Agent(agents_args) self.agents_dict[each_cf]['trajectory_pub'] =\ rospy.Publisher('/' + each_cf + '/trajectory_goal', Position, queue_size=1) self.agents_dict[each_cf]['start_yaw'] = 0 agent_list = [agent_dict['agent'] for (_, agent_dict) in self.agents_dict.items()] self.solver = TrajectorySolver(agent_list, solver_args, verbose=True) #: bool: True if a trajectories are to be planned self.to_plan_trajectories = False #: bool: True if a trajectory has been found for current position self.trajectory_found = False #: bool: True if a trajectories are to be published self.to_publish_traj = False # Start services rospy.Service('/set_planner_positions', SetPositions, self.set_positions) rospy.Service('/plan_trajectories', Empty, self.plan_trajectories) rospy.Service('/pub_trajectories', Empty, self.start_publishing_srv) rospy.loginfo("Planner: waiting for swarm manager services") self.send_result = rospy.ServiceProxy("/traj_found", SetBool) self.traj_done = rospy.ServiceProxy("/traj_done", Empty) rospy.loginfo("Planner: swarm manager services found") self._rate = rospy.Rate(1/rospy.get_param("trajectory_solver")["interp_step"]) # Services
[docs] def set_positions(self, srv_req): """Set start position or goal of each agent Args: srv_req (SetPositions): List /w position type(start or goal) and positions of each agent """ pos_type = srv_req.position_type cf_positions = ast.literal_eval(srv_req.positions) self.trajectory_found = False if pos_type == "start_position": # print "Setting start positions to:" # print cf_positions rospy.loginfo("Planner: Setting start positions") for cf_id, start_pos in cf_positions.items(): start_coord = start_pos[0:3] start_yaw = start_pos[3] self.agents_dict[cf_id]['agent'].set_starting_position(start_coord) self.agents_dict[cf_id]['start_yaw'] = start_yaw elif pos_type == "goal": # print "Setting goals to:" # print cf_positions rospy.loginfo("Planner: Setting goals") for cf_id, goal in cf_positions.items(): goal_coord = goal[0:3] # goal_yaw = goal[3] self.agents_dict[cf_id]['agent'].set_goal(goal_coord) else: rospy.logerr("Invalid position type") return {"success": True}
[docs] def plan_trajectories(self, _): """Start trajectory planning of each agent """ self.solver.update_agents_info() if not self.to_plan_trajectories and not self.trajectory_found: self.to_plan_trajectories = True elif self.to_plan_trajectories: rospy.logwarn("Solver already running") elif self.trajectory_found: rospy.logwarn("Trajectory already found for current positions") return {}
[docs] def start_publishing_srv(self, _): """Start publishing CF trajectories """ self.to_publish_traj = True return {}
# Methods
[docs] def publish_trajectories(self): """Publish computed trajectory """ # Set swarm manager to follow trajectory rospy.loginfo("Planner: Publishing trajectories...") time_step = 0 max_time_step = self.agents_dict[self.agents_dict.keys()[0]]['agent'].final_traj.shape[1] while time_step < max_time_step: if rospy.is_shutdown(): break for _, agent_dict in self.agents_dict.items(): agent_pos = agent_dict["agent"].final_traj[:, time_step] goal_msg = Position() goal_msg.x = agent_pos[0] goal_msg.y = agent_pos[1] goal_msg.z = agent_pos[2] goal_msg.yaw = agent_dict["start_yaw"] agent_dict['trajectory_pub'].publish(goal_msg) time_step += 1 self._rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Planner: Trajectory completed") self.traj_done()
[docs] def run_planner(self): """Execute the correct method based on booleen states """ if self.to_plan_trajectories and not self.trajectory_found: self.to_plan_trajectories = False rospy.loginfo("Planner: Planning trajectories...") planner_successfull, _ = self.solver.solve_trajectories() if planner_successfull: self.trajectory_found = True rospy.loginfo("Planner: Trajectory found") # self.solver.plot_trajectories() else: self.trajectory_found = False rospy.logerr("Planner: No trajectory found") # self.solver.plot_trajectories() self.send_result(self.trajectory_found) if self.to_publish_traj: self.to_publish_traj = False self.publish_trajectories()
if __name__ == '__main__': # Launch node rospy.init_node('trajectory_planner', anonymous=False) # Get params while True: # Make sure cf_list has been set by `swarm_controller` try: CF_LIST = rospy.get_param("cf_list") break except KeyError: pass SOLVER_ARGS = rospy.get_param("trajectory_solver") # Initialize planner PLANNER = TrajectoryPlanner(CF_LIST, SOLVER_ARGS) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): PLANNER.run_planner()