Source code for trajectory_plotting

#!/usr/bin/env python
Trajectory Plotter

Module to plot the trajectories of agents.

Circles represent the agents, dashed line the predicted trajectory over the horizon


# import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.patches import Circle'seaborn-pastel')


[docs]class TrajPlot(object): """To plot trajectories of agents """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # 11 is reasonable in this case. def __init__(self, agent_list, time_step, interp_time_step, wait_for_input=False, plot_dots=False): """Init Args: x (array): Trajectories h (float): Time step """ self.agents = agent_list # Position and acceleration at each time step self.n_agents = len(self.agents) self.time_step = time_step # Time step self.interp_time_step = interp_time_step # Interpolation time step self.wait_for_input = wait_for_input self.plot_dots = plot_dots # To plot each position in predicted trajectory self.slow_rate = 1 #: int: To slow animation self.fig = plt.figure() self.fig.set_dpi(100) self.axes = plt.axes(xlim=(-1, 5), ylim=(-1, 5)) self.axes.set_title('Trajectories') self.axes.set_xlabel('x (m)') self.axes.set_ylabel('y (m)') self.axes.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') self.color_list = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] self.animated_objects = [] # List of all objects to animate self.time_text = None def __del__(self): plt.close() # Setters
[docs] def set_wait_for_input(self, to_wait): """To wait or not for input before switching frame Args: to_wait (bool): To wait """ self.wait_for_input = to_wait
[docs] def set_slow_rate(self, slow_rate): """Set slow rate of animation. Rate of 1 is real time. Rate of 2 is twice slower Args: slow_rate (float): Rate of slow """ self.slow_rate = slow_rate
[docs] def set_axes_limits(self, xmax, ymax): """Set x and y axes max limits Args: xmax (float) ymax (float) """ self.axes.set_xlim((-3, xmax)) self.axes.set_ylim((-3, ymax))
[docs] def set_dot_plotting(self, to_plot): """To plot or not agent's predicted trajectory over horizon as dots Args: to_wait (bool): To plot dots """ self.plot_dots = to_plot
# Animation
[docs] def update_objects(self, agent_list): """Update agents Args: agent_list (list of Agent): All agents with their trajectories and goal """ self.agents = agent_list
[docs] def init_animated_objects(self): """Creates all objects to animate. Each agent has: - A circle (current position) - A dashed line (predicted trajectory) - An X (goal) Notes: Structure of animated object. Idx: 0: circle of agent 1 1: line of agent 1 2: circle of agent 2 3: line of agent 2 ... -1: time text """ color_idx = 0 for each_agent in self.agents: color = self.color_list[color_idx%len(self.color_list)] circle = Circle((0, 0), 0.1, alpha=0.8, fc=color) if not self.plot_dots: line, = self.axes.plot([], [], lw=2, linestyle='dashed', color=color) else: line, = self.axes.plot([], [], lw=2, linestyle='dashed', color=color, marker='o') col_circle = Circle((0, 0), 0.45, alpha=0.2, fc=color) self.axes.add_patch(circle) self.axes.add_patch(col_circle) self.animated_objects.append(circle) self.animated_objects.append(col_circle) self.animated_objects.append(line) # Draw goal x_goal = each_agent.goal[0] y_goal = each_agent.goal[1] self.axes.scatter(x_goal, y_goal, s=250, c=color, marker='X') # Draw start pos x_start = each_agent.final_traj[0, 0] y_start = each_agent.final_traj[1, 0] self.axes.scatter(x_start, y_start, s=100, c=color, marker='*') color_idx += 1 # Add time_text self.time_text = self.axes.text(0.02, 0.95, '', transform=self.axes.transAxes) self.animated_objects.append(self.time_text)
[docs] def init_animation(self): """Initialize animation """ for i in range(self.n_agents): agent = self.agents[i] # Circle self.animated_objects[N_PER_AGENT*i].center = (agent.final_traj[0, 0], agent.final_traj[1, 0]) # Col Circle self.animated_objects[N_PER_AGENT*i].center = (agent.final_traj[0, 0], agent.final_traj[1, 0]) # Line self.animated_objects[N_PER_AGENT*i+2].set_data([], []) # Set text self.animated_objects[-1].set_text('') return self.animated_objects
[docs] def animate(self, frame): """Animate Args: frame (int): Current frame """ traj_frame = int(frame/(self.time_step/self.interp_time_step)) for i in range(self.n_agents): agent = self.agents[i] position = agent.final_traj[:, frame] traj_data = agent.states[:, traj_frame] # Circle self.animated_objects[N_PER_AGENT*i].center = (position[0], position[1]) self.animated_objects[N_PER_AGENT*i + 1].center = (position[0], position[1]) # Prediction line x_data = [] y_data = [] z_data = [] for k in range(int(len(traj_data)/6)): x_data.append(traj_data[6*k]) y_data.append(traj_data[6*k + 1]) z_data.append(traj_data[6*k + 2]) self.animated_objects[N_PER_AGENT*i + 2].set_data(x_data, y_data) time = frame*self.interp_time_step self.time_text.set_text("Time (sec): %.1f" % time) if self.wait_for_input: raw_input("") return self.animated_objects
[docs] def run(self): """Start animation """ n_frame = self.agents[-1].final_traj.shape[1] self.init_animated_objects() anim = FuncAnimation(self.fig, self.animate, init_func=self.init_animation, frames=n_frame, interval=(self.interp_time_step*1000*self.slow_rate), blit=True) if SAVE_ANIMATION:'path_planning_demo.mp4', fps=int(1/self.time_step), extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
[docs] def plot_obstacle(self, obstacles): "Plot obstacle" for each_obstacle in obstacles: x_data = [] y_data = [] for coord in each_obstacle: x_data.append(coord[0]) y_data.append(coord[1]) self.axes.plot(x_data, y_data, c='k', alpha=1, lw=5, marker='o')