Source code for flight_recorder

#!/usr/bin/env python

To record and analyse flight data of all CFs

.. note::
    See ```` for plotting and analysis of flight data

ROS Features
Subscribed Topics
:ref:`cf-goal` (crazyflie_driver/Position)
    Target position of CF

:ref:`cf-pose` (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
    Current pose of CF

Published Topics


Services Called

~cf_list(list of str)

~save(bool, false)

``Recorder`` Class

import os
from os.path import isfile, join
import numpy as np
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
from crazyflie_driver.msg import Position
from std_srvs.srv import Empty

import message_filters

[docs]class Recorder(object): """To record flight data of all CFs """ def __init__(self, cf_list, to_save): self.cf_list = cf_list self.to_save = to_save self.data_id = '0' self.data_path = None self.data_base_name = 'flight_data_' self._find_id() self.crazyflies = {} #: dict: To store positions of all CFs. Keys are CF id # Service to start recording self._to_record = False rospy.Service('/start_recorder', Empty, self._start_recorder) # Initialize each Crazyflie self._all_cf_msgs = [] for each_cf in cf_list: self._init_cf(each_cf) time_sync = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(self._all_cf_msgs, 10, 0.2) time_sync.registerCallback(self._ts_handler) def _find_id(self): # List all data files # Find package folder parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(\ os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))))) self.data_path = os.path.join(parentdir, 'flight_data') data_list = [f for f in os.listdir(self.data_path) if isfile(join(self.data_path, f))] # Find all unnamed data if data_list: data_list = [f for f in data_list if f.startswith(self.data_base_name)] if data_list: data_list = [f.replace(self.data_base_name, '') for f in data_list] data_list = [int(f.replace('.npy', '')) for f in data_list] self.data_id = str(np.max(data_list) + 1) def _init_cf(self, cf_id): """Initialize each CF Args: cf_id (str): Name of the CF """ self.crazyflies[cf_id] = {'pose': [], 'goal': []} # rospy.Subscriber("/%s/pose" % cf_id, PoseStamped, self._cf_pose_handler, cf_id) # rospy.Subscriber("/%s/goal" % cf_id, Position, self._cf_goal_handler, cf_id) self._all_cf_msgs.append(message_filters.Subscriber("/%s/pose" % cf_id, PoseStamped)) self._all_cf_msgs.append(message_filters.Subscriber("/%s/goal" % cf_id, Position)) def _start_recorder(self, _): self._to_record = True return {} def _ts_handler(self, *args): cf_count = 0 for cf_id in self.crazyflies: self.crazyflies[cf_id]['pose'].append(args[cf_count*2]) self.crazyflies[cf_id]['goal'].append(args[cf_count*2 + 1]) cf_count += 1 def _save_data(self): file_path = join(self.data_path, self.data_base_name + self.data_id), self.crazyflies)
[docs] def on_shutdown(self): """To save data upon rospy shutdown """ if self.to_save: self._save_data()
if __name__ == '__main__': # Launch node rospy.init_node('flight_recorder', anonymous=False) while True: # Make sure cf_list has been set by `swarm_controller` try: CF_LIST = rospy.get_param("cf_list") break except KeyError: pass TO_SAVE = rospy.get_param("~save", "False") REC = Recorder(CF_LIST, TO_SAVE) rospy.on_shutdown(REC.on_shutdown) rospy.spin()